Eating Curd at Night: Myths Vs. Facts, Benefits


There are many dos and don’ts in the field of nutritional recommendations. One persistent myth is that it is improper to eat curd (yogurt) at night. But is this commonly accepted notion supported by science, or is it just another unfounded food myth? In this blog post, we will explore the reasons people avoid eating curd at night and uncover the truth behind this age-old belief.

Myths vs. Facts

Here are some common myths about eating curd (yogurt) at night:

Causes Cold or Cough

One of the prevailing myths is that eating curd at night can lead to colds or coughs. However, there’s no scientific evidence to support this claim. Colds and coughs are typically caused by viruses, not by the temperature or timing of food consumption.

Digestive Difficulties

Another misconception is that curd is heavy on the stomach and can cause digestive problems if consumed at night. While it’s true that curd is a dairy product and contains fats, it is not inherently difficult to digest. In fact, the probiotics in curd can aid in digestion and promote a healthy gut.

Weight Gain

Some people believe that eating curd at night can lead to weight gain. However, weight gain is primarily determined by the overall calorie intake and the balance of macronutrients in one’s diet. When consumed in moderation, curd can be a healthy part of a balanced diet.

Disrupts Sleep

There’s a misconception that curd consumption at night can disrupt sleep due to its alleged heaviness. In reality, curd contains tryptophan, an amino acid that may actually promote better sleep quality by increasing the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with relaxation and sleep.

Diminishes Nutritional Value

Some believe that eating curd at night diminishes its nutritional value. However, the nutritional content of curd remains largely consistent regardless of the time of consumption.

Induces Allergies

Another myth is that curd at night can induce allergies. While some individuals may be allergic to dairy products, this allergy is not specific to nighttime consumption.

Leads to Acidity

It is often suggested that curd consumed at night can lead to increased acidity. While curd is acidic in nature, it can actually help alleviate acidity for some people due to its probiotic content.

Causes Mucus Formation

There’s a belief that curd consumption leads to excessive mucus formation in the respiratory system. However, there’s limited scientific evidence to support this claim.

Negative Impact on Bone Health

Some myths suggest that curd at night can negatively impact bone health due to its calcium content. In reality, curd is a valuable source of calcium, which is essential for strong bones.

Disrupts Hormonal Balance

There is a myth that consuming curd at night can disrupt hormonal balance in the body. There is no substantial scientific basis for this claim.

It’s important to remember that the effects of curd consumption can vary from person to person, and individual dietary preferences and tolerances play a significant role. While these myths exist, curd can be a nutritious and beneficial addition to your diet, even when consumed at night and enjoyed as part of a balanced meal.

The Real Benefits of Eating Curd at Night

Rather than shunning curd at night, there are several compelling reasons to consider incorporating it into your evening routine:

Protein and Satiety

Curd is a valuable source of protein. Including it in your dinner can help you feel full and satisfied, reducing the likelihood of late-night snacking and overeating.

Calcium for Bone Health

Curd is rich in calcium, an essential mineral for strong bones and teeth. Including it in your nighttime meal can contribute to your daily calcium intake.

Digestive Health

Probiotics in curd support a healthy gut by promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria. This can aid in digestion and help prevent digestive issues like indigestion and constipation.

Muscle Recovery

If you’ve had an active day or an evening workout, the protein in curd can aid in muscle recovery and repair.

Quality Sleep

Curd includes tryptophan, an amino acid that is proven to improve sleep quality. It accomplishes this by enhancing serotonin synthesis, a neurotransmitter associated with relaxation and sleep.

How to Enjoy Curd at Night

If you decide to include curd in your evening meal, here are some tips for a healthy and balanced choice:

  1. To avoid unnecessary sugar, use plain, unsweetened curd.
  2. For extra taste and nutrition, toss in some fresh fruits or nuts.
  3. For a delightful twist, try using curd in recipes like raita or yogurt-based sauces.

Here are some simple Indian-style recipes for Yogurt by Chef Kunal Kapur

FAQs about eating curd at night

Is it okay to eat curd at night?

Yes, it’s generally safe to eat curd at night, but there are some considerations to keep in mind.

What are the benefits of eating curd before bedtime?

Curd can provide various health benefits, including aiding digestion and improving sleep quality.

Can eating curd at night lead to weight gain?

Eating curd in moderation at night is unlikely to cause weight gain, but portion size matters.

Does curd cause acidity or indigestion if consumed at night?

Curd is often considered a natural remedy for acidity, but individual tolerance may vary.

Should I opt for plain curd or flavored yogurt at night?

Plain curd without added sugars or flavors is a healthier choice, especially before bedtime.

What are the best times to eat curd at night?

It’s generally recommended to consume curd at least a couple of hours before bedtime.

Can curd interfere with sleep patterns if eaten too close to bedtime?

Eating curd too close to bedtime may not be ideal as it can affect sleep quality for some people.

Are there any specific types of curd that are better for nighttime consumption?

Greek yogurt or low-fat curd are good options for nighttime consumption due to their protein content.

Can curd be combined with other foods at night for a balanced meal?

Yes, you can combine curd with fruits, nuts, or whole grains for a nutritious nighttime snack.
bowl of oat granola with yogurt, fresh mulberry, strawberries, kiwi mint and nuts on the black rock board.

Are there any people who should avoid eating curd at night?

Individuals with lactose intolerance or dairy allergies should avoid curd, and those with specific dietary restrictions should consult a healthcare professional.


In conclusion, the belief that we should avoid curd at night is more myth than fact. Curd can be a healthy and nutritious addition to your evening meal, providing essential nutrients and potential health benefits. As with any dietary choice, it’s important to consider your individual preferences and dietary needs. So go ahead, enjoy your bowl of curd at night, and rest easy knowing you’re not breaking any dietary rules!

Priyanka Kamble

I’m Priyanka. I work as a software tester and a part-time blogger. I earned my Master of Technology in I.T.I created the website “Timely Needs” in order to blog, express myself, and exchange knowledge or information about various topics.

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