Kokum Benefits, Uses and Side Effects

Kokum is a fruit tree which is a common site in the western coastal area of India. Scientifically it is also known as Garcinia Indica. The fruit of the tree is a small, round and deep purple. The fruit is famous for its sour and and tangy flavor and has been used in Indian cuisine and traditional medicine for centuries. Recently, kokum has become popular as a home remedy for number of health conditions. In this blog, we will explore the surprising health benefits of kokum , its side-effects, uses and the ways to incorporate this fruit into your diet.

Nutrition Value of Kokum

Kokum is a fruit rich in nutrients that offers variety of health benefits when included in a balanced diet.

Kokum is fantastic option for those who are trying to keep their weight in check because it is high in fiber and low in calories. It is also rich source of antioxidants which protect your body from the damage caused by free radicals.

Kokum is also a strong source of vitamin C, which is crucial for preventing a healthy immune system. Moreover vitamin B6, which is essential for brain function and the development of RBCs- Red Blood Cells.

Other essential elements found in kokum are calcium, potassium, and magnesium. These minerals are important to maintain bones, muscles and nerves in healthy condition.

You can make sure that your body is getting essential vitamins and minerals to stay healthy and strong by including kokum into your daily routine.

What are the benefits of kokum?

As per our thorough research, we observed 13 benefits of kokum that will surprise you and you must know. They are as follows:

  • Boosts Immune System
  • Improves Digestion
  • Reduces Cholesterol Levels
  • Regulates Blood Sugar
  • Helps Weight Loss
  • Anti-inflammatory Properties
  • Anti-cancer Properties
  • Good for Skin Health
  • Reduces Anxiety and Stress
  • Good for Heart Health
  • Anti-microbial Properties
  • Anti-aging Properties
  • Good for hair health

Boosts Immune System

Vitamin C, which is necessary for a strong immune system, is abundant in kokum.

Vitamin C is strong antioxidant that protects your body from infections and disorders.

Your immune system will be strengthened and you’ll stay healthy if you regularly consume kokum.

Improves Digestion

It is well-known that kokum can decrease digestive tract inflammation and enhance digestion.

It has HCA ( Hydroxycitric acid ), which aids to formation of digestive enzymes.

Constipation, bloating, and other digestive issues can be relieved by consuming kokum on regular basis.

Reduces Cholesterol Levels

Antioxidants are in abundance in kokum which help to lower the body’s cholesterol levels.

Kokum contains garcinol, a natural substance that helps in boosting the production of good cholesterol while reducing the formation of bad cholesterol.

Regulates Blood Sugar

Kokum is good option for those people with diabetes because it has low glycemic index.

It helps in controlling blood sugar levels and prevent unexpected spikes in blood sugar.

Helps Weight Loss

Kokum is rich source of fibers. Because of its high fiber content, kokum is considered to help in weight loss.

Fiber helps you to keep full for longer. The longer you stay full, you will eat less in terms of calories and appetite.

Moreover, it has HCA, which helps in preventing the body from producing fat.

Anti-inflammatory Properties

Kokum contains anti-inflammatory elements which helps in reducing the inflammation in the body.

Frequent or regular kokum consumption can relieve pain and swelling caused by inflammation.

Anti-cancer Properties

Kokum is a pack of antioxidants. Antioxidants prevent the development of cancer cells in the body.

It also contains garcinol, which has anti-cancer properties.

Good for Skin Health

Because kokum contains a lot of vitamin C, it is fantastic for your skin.

Your skin will continue to look young and healthy, since vitamin C helps to increase collagen formation.

Free radicals cause harm to your skin. Kokum has antioxidants which protect your skin from this harm.

Reduces Anxiety and Stress

Kokum has relaxing impact on neurological system, which helps to reduce tension and anxiety.

Serotonin present in kokum is a neurotransmitter that aids in controlling mood and behaviour.

Good for Heart Health

Due to its anti-inflammatory and cholesterol lowering properties, kokum is beneficial for your heart health.

You can reduce heart disease and stroke risk by regularly consuming kokum.

Anti-microbial Properties

Antimicrobial properties of kokum can aid to fight against harmful bacteria and viruses.

It works well against Salmonella, E. Coli and other harmful pathogens.

Anti-aging Properties

Antioxidants found in kokum aid in preventing early ageing.

It keeps you healthier and and protects your skin from free radical damage.

Good for Hair Health

Kokum’s strong Vitamin C makes it ideal for your hair.

Vitamin C boosts collagen production, which helps the growth of healthy hair.

Moreover, it contains antioxidants that can help protect your hair from the damage that free radicals can do.

These are the amazing benefits of kokum.

What are the uses of kokum?

Kokum is also important in Indian cuisine and traditional medicine. Here are some of the popular uses of kokum:


Kokum is used as a souring ingredient in curries, chutneys and pickles in Indian cuisine. Additionally, you can use it to make cool summer drinks.


Since ancient times, kokum as medicine in Ayurveda, cure several illness such as constipation, indigestion, etc. It is also anti-inflammatory and rich in antioxidants.


Kokum butter is extracted from the seeds of the fruit, is commonly used in skincare products. It has moisturizing and healing. You can use it to treat dry and chapped skin.

Weight loss

Kokum has properties to decrease the appetite and prevent the fat production and hence, it is helpful in weight loss.

Hair care

Kokum butter can prevent dandruff and helps in hair growth and act as a natural hair conditioner. Therefore, it is included in hair care products.


kokum seeds contain high amount of oil. This oil is used to produce soaps, cosmetics and other industrial goods.

Kokum can be used in variety of ways and has multiple advantages, making it useful and important in various industries.

How to Incorporate Kokum into Your Diet?

Note: The below video is in Hindi language but English subtitles are available for the same. Please make sure your video’s captions’ or subtitles’ setting is on and is set to English in order to understand the video in English

Kokum Juice (Kokum Sharbat)

Kokum juice is made by soaking the fruit in water for a few hours, followed by the addition of sugar and salt to the taste.

Drinking kokum juice is a healthy and energizing habit that you may do at any time of the day.

Kokum Chutney

With spices and herbs, grind the kokum to make kokum chutney which is common condiment in Indian food.

This chutney can be added to main courses or used as a dip for snacks.

Kokum curry (Solkadhi)

Use kokum with coconut milk and spices to make kokum curry or solkadhi which is a classic Indian dish.

This curry is healthy and delicious dish and you can serve that with rice or bread.

Does kokum have side effects?

In India, kokum is frequently used as food ingredient and traditional medicine because it is usually believed to be safe for consumption. But, if you consume too much kokum , or if you are allergic to it or sensitive to it, there are few possible adverse effects as follows:

  1. Stomach Upset
  2. Allergic reactions
  3. Interactions with Medications
  4. Low Blood Sugar
  5. Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Stomach Upset

Eating too much kokum can upset your stomach and results in cramps, diarrhea and bloating.

Allergic Reactions

Kokum allergies can cause symptoms like rashes, breathing problems and itching in some people.

Interactions with Medication

Blood thinners, anti-depressants and medications that decrease cholesterol are just few of the drugs that interact with kokum.

Low Blood Sugar

Large doses of kokum consumption may reduce blood sugar levels. Thus, those who have diabetes or glycemia should moderately consume kokum

Pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Research on safety of kokum during pregnancy and breastfeeding is insufficient. As a result, it is best to avoid kokum during these times.

In the event of any worries or queries regarding potential side-effects, we advise you to eat any food ingredient in moderation and to consult a healthcare professional before doing so.

FAQs about kokum and how it is beneficial

What is kokum?

In India, the Western Ghats are home to the fruit-bearing tree known as kokum (Garcinia indica).The tree produces small, round, deep purple fruits utilised in a variety of culinary preparations and traditional treatments.

What is kokum good for?

In ancient Ayurvedic medicine, kokum is utilised for its medicinal characteristics to treat a variety of health conditions, including skin ailments, acidity, inflammation, and digestive problems. Furthermore, antioxidant and anti-cancer capabilities are thought to exist. There are many such benefits of kokum.

How is kokum used in cooking?

Indian food frequently uses kokum as a souring ingredient in curries, chutneys, and pickles. The fruit is frequently dried and used in dishes as powder, which gives them a tangy and somewhat sweet flavor.

How is kokum consumed?

Kokum is often consumed as a juice or sharbat, which is made by boiling the kokum fruit in water and adding sugar and spices to taste. It can also be added to dishes as a souring agent or used in the form of a supplement or extract. Also, you can prepare solkadhi, juice and chutney using kokum.

Is kokum safe to consume?

In general, moderate consumption of kokum is regarded as safe. But before ingesting kokum, like with any dietary supplement or component, it’s crucial to speak with a doctor, especially if you have any underlying medical concerns or are taking medication.

 Can kokum be used for weight loss?

 Kokum is often included in weight loss diets due to its ability to aid digestion and reduce appetite. Its high fiber content can also help regulate blood sugar levels and prevent overeating.

Where can I buy kokum?

Kokum is commonly sold in Indian grocery stores and online retailers. It is available in various forms such as dried kokum, kokum juice concentrate, and kokum supplements.


In conclusion, kokum is a fruit that is very healthy and can enhance your well-being. The fruit is popular for its ability to help in digestion, strengthen the immunity system, lower cholesterol, control blood sugar and help you loose wight. You can take advantage of many health benefits that kokum has to offer by including this fruit into your diet. Also consult the healthcare professional if you are diabetic, pregnant or new mother or allergic to specific food before using kokum.

Priyanka Kamble

I’m Priyanka. I work as a software tester and a part-time blogger. I earned my Master of Technology in I.T.I created the website “Timely Needs” in order to blog, express myself, and exchange knowledge or information about various topics.

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